How I Can Help You

If you are reading this, chances are you are you are ready for change. Whether it is: losing weight, feeling better about yourself, learning how to love yourself, being a more present mother, figuring out how to create routines, learning how to stress less, or anything in between – I can help you.

Sometimes we want to make a change, but aren’t sure where to start. Or we change all the things at once, get overwhelmed and quit. No worries! We all have human brains. Sometimes our brains need a little guidance, and that’s okay! 

Making a change in your life doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. There is nothing “wrong” with you and you don’t need to be “fixed.” Evolving is a beautiful part of life because you get to decide what kind of life you want to live, and what kind of person you want to show up as!

My mission: help you rethink your habits with simple strategies that will help you learn how to love yourself, feel good, look good, and create healthier habits.

Science has proven that less stress and negative feelings can add years onto your life. The relationships we have in our lives mean everything, especially the relationship we have with ourselves. Your thoughts and feelings influence: how you show up in the world, how you sleep, what you eat, how you speak to yourself, your sex drive, and your eating and drinking habits, etc.

Feeling healthy causes our bodies to create more energy. When you have more energy you: sleep better, love more, start a business, create a calmer and less cluttered home environment, switch careers, ask for a raise, rekindle that spark with your partner, the list goes on and on.

When you learn and understand your brain’s wiring, and how to manage your brain and emotions, you develop a healthier lifestyle, which means your quality of life goes up.

Lifetime results when working with me: creating healthy, sustainable habits, that will help you manage your mindset in any situation, and fully accept yourself through any stage of life.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung

Cue the New You Podcast

EP 04 | 10 Simple Rules from “French Kids Eat Everything” by Karen Le Billon